2010: The Cinescape by Matt Shapiro

The song used is “A Dustland Fairytale” by The Killers.

This is the fifth video I have created in my “Cinescape” collection, a series which packs footage of the many films released in the past year into one video.

I am a huge believer in the notion that while some films may be for adults and others for kids, and while some films may be of higher quality than those aimed at the lowest common denominator, escaping into the world of a film is a universal experience that we all crave, no matter who we are or how greatly our tastes differ. The goal of this video is to at least begin to capture the essence of what that lose-yourself-to-film feeling is like…and to show just how many kick-ass movies 2010 gave us (because it’s pretty easy to forget).

Chronological Movie Listing: here.

  • http://twitter.com/malvinromero Malvin Romero


    From one director to another, you are great at what you do. Look at the link. The 13th best film of 2010 is Scott Pilgrim. I love the movie and own the blu-ray!


    Seth Morgan Romero
    Morgan Productions

  • Lilly B

    I was just sent another end-of-year montage by a friend and it has the funniest clip from scott pilgrim. Here’s the link:

  • Zack

    I just posted my new end-of-year movie montage and not only does it feature Scott Pilgrim, the third part (starting at around 2:38) is set to the Broken Social Scene track that Edgar suggested on his Twitter yesterday. Take a look:

  • Deanjs

    That was great and was only enhanced by his description.

  • http://twitter.com/tyko450 Phillip T

    Watched all these on the Scott Pilgrim page. They were great. This was a good year for movies.

  • http://twitter.com/lovetttodd Emily Anderton

    It’s okay for this to bring me close to tears, right? Right?! TELL ME I’M RIGHT!