December 2nd, 2009

December 2nd, 2009

  • smoke108

    The Fun Machine took a shit and died. (QOTSA reference)

  • scarsandstripes

    Hi Edgar - just wanted to say sorry for bothering you yesterday when I saw you waiting for a cab near Goodge street station last night. I'm the guy who excitedly shouted “Wow! Edgar Wright!” - apologies - I must've come across like a grade A tool!. i'm a massive fan and just spazzed out - I'm sorry.
    Any-hoo, can't wait to see Scott Pilgrim;-)!

  • MarkoP

    YES! I've played with one of those once at some sort of retirement home. Good times.

  • Joel Vallie

    Is that what your scoring the whole movie on? Just kidding!

  • spiffykates

    I have images of Tom Hanks flashing through my head… heart and soul… la la la la la la la…

  • mroobalooba

    i want one!

    man the Baldwins get everywhere :D

  • soupcan58

    Ok, that looks pretty damn cool! Are those available in the US of A, or just somewhere else on the planet?

  • Red

    Nice organ! Is this for SP?

  • SarahAC

    That looks…fun! :D