November 6th, 2009

Unpacked some stuff and put this on my mantle piece, pride of place, a present from Michael Bacall.

Genuine THE BLACK HOLE bubble gum from 1979.

November 6th, 2009 (I)

Probably best not eaten.

Also pride of place…

This 1982 Atari ALIEN game…also from Bacall.

November 6th, 2009 (II)

And these SCOTT PILGRIM plectrums (picks for those of you in North America) that were part of a crew gift.

November 6th, 2009 (III)

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  • Red
    Priceless! Were any of these the thing you thought you lost? I hope so.
  • No...that is still unaccounted for.
  • Red
    So sorry. Hope it turns up.
  • never heard of the black hole but it's like those child things in japan. You get an action figure, a card, and some sort of candy! the atari game.....hmm....lets see wat the angry video game nerd has to say about alien, and lastly......those guitar picks are gay. literally. hahaha Love em edgar, nice to know you've got MARVELous friends to give you abundANT gifts for your MANtle.

    Get it?
  • AmberGrindstaff
    The Black Hole Gum---1979,that gum is the same age as me..

    Atari Rules
  • So it's pacman but with Aliens?
  • tylerragan
    Good lord... I remember those trading card packs. We had a bunch of them from a Halloween package for handing out to the kids. We got to keep them for ourselves because we liked the movie so much (I guess I was 6 at that point). I also remember there were Grease trading cards in the package, which I couldn't have given a rat's ass for because Grease was just a girly movie. I think I still have the actual Black Hole trading cards stored away somewhere...wanna do some trading? : P
  • Sarah5636
    That Black Hole bubble gum is very cool, i don't remember ever playing that Alien game, i think it was Alien 3 i had on my Sega Megadrive, anyway i was totally addicted to it for about 6 months.
  • mroobalooba
    I need one of those plectrums!!!!
    the only special edition type plectrum i have is from the dvd release of 'school of rock'
  • declanmcauley
    Smart choice about the gum. At a con last year, my brother and I bought a bunch of old Alf cards as a joke, and tried the gum later that night on a dare. It tasted and felt like nothing but gravel and dust. Not exactly a brilliant moment on our parts...
  • Jay
    *crossses fingers for a giveaway*
  • Profpieface
    what lovely presents! nice of him to part with them.

    maybe your lost thing will turn up in another box - prob tucked in a really clever safe place, so safe you've even forgotten where it is.

    and cheered that you have a mantlepiece. not enough of them about these days.
  • kimba2488
    4 levels of play? Man, I don't know if I would ever be able to finish that game.
  • SarahAC
    Nice collection Edgar. I can almost taste that Bubble Gum now.
    Have you unwrapped it? I'd love to see what is on the cards.

    Also - I soooo want a Scott Pilgrim plectrum for my Uke!
  • markiewankenobi
    Dude - I oncew thought I had unearthed an original 1077 Star Wars Bubblegum and card set at a car booty - alas it was just the card - and that was pretty badly douched as well. Black Hole - VINCENT poster on my wall for the entire length of that year - what a movie....Maximillian scard the living shit out of me!
  • Zac
    I want one of those picks.... so bad... it's not even funny
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