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  • Sarah5636
    That's pretty mad. Next time check your pulse, bet it's off the scale.
  • Fan in California
    Came here as a Michael Cera fan but I think I love Edgar Wright! Awesome guy and very entertaining blog. Keep bringing it!
  • I LOVE YOU!!!!! Can I have some caffeine please? Going to turn the esspresso machine on.... xxx
  • That's really, really not healthy... Having said that, phasing out caffeine is really hard, so if you do try, good luck!

    Which one of those places has the best coffee though? Do you have a list re best espresso, best latte and so on?
  • victor
    i have 5 cups a day n my friend makes these screeching screamin noises at me which is to resemble my dying sperm. apparently a UK study found more than 3 cups a day keeps the sperm at bay. depends on which froth u enjoy most i guess.
  • What ever it takes that's what I say.
  • Profpieface
    like it!

    don't know the one with the handwritten looking writing.
  • dolfyn
    That much coffee in half a day would give me a heart attack! :o

    I think it's coffee-rehab time, Edgar. ;)

    Feel the love.
  • SarahAC
    That much coffee in half a MONTH would give me a heart attack!
  • Eva
    Couldn't be more proud of your hard work. *Thumbs up* I do hope u get some rest soon. :o
  • Or one could just get a good night sleep.
  • You are a champion! Bet your breath smells nice.
  • karamc
    Nice to see you are sharing the wealth!
  • Rachel B.
    I guess you need to stay awake badly...or mugged people for their coffee cups and made yourself a tower. Really, though, this method seems extreme, but I will probably be defeated by a caffeine induced combustion before you due to my energy drink addiction.
  • Red
    My eyes would pop out of my head if I had that much caffeine!
  • AmberGrindstaff
    Good Lord Edgar! A Quadruple Tower of Expresso

    *sorry if this posts twice.. just now figuring out the new set-up)
  • Profpieface
    nightmare! sure I keep leaving comments at least twice/not at all!?
  • AmberGrindstaff
    Good Lord Edgar! A Quadruple Tower of Expresso
  • man...that's a lot of coffee brah...
  • martusmedia
    Well now the only thing I can recommend is a cattle prod, or electrical cord with the ends snipped and trimmed. Just a few seconds and you should be rather aware for a bit. Downside is don't think you should be around electronics for a bit. Sounds like chocalate expresso beans to the rescue.
  • Steph
    Ooh... Lantana makes awesome coffee. Good choice.
  • Gosh! I thought I was the one who needs to check into rehab! Amen!
  • My heart would probably explode (instead of going on) from that dose of caffeine. Goddamn....good luck :)
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