
Video Archives: Psychosis Safari ~ The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster - dir. Edgar Wright (2003)


This is a very low budget video I did for EMBLD for a single off their incredible debut album, HORSE OF THE DOG. The animation is partly by my big brother, Oscar Wright (as well as Matt Piper and John Yeo).

Am still very proud of this video and still love the song.

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9 Responses to “Video Archives: Psychosis Safari ~ The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster - dir. Edgar Wright (2003)”
  1. Slick says:

    This is such an insanely cool video! And here my cynical ol’ self thought all the cool videos were long past us. And this song!!! I must get some of their albums. I’ll have to look online and see their discography.

  2. joel vallie says:

    Did your brother do the flip book art?

    • joel vallie says:

      I;m sorry about all these horrible questions I ask before reading what you write. STUPID STUPID STUPID. From now on I will read and reread what you write before I let my fingers start typing

  3. Lee C says:

    I remember watching this 5 times on Mtv2 one day. Ace song. Never knew you directed the simply ace video!

  4. Dylan 37 says:

    this video was awsome. Every thing was cool, the animation, the song, the directon all very cool!

  5. Marcus Powermouse says:

    That video was GREAT! Loved it, especially the seamless integration of the animation.

  6. Amber G says:

    3-D Baby!

  7. pieface says:

    i love this one - there’s something about writing on screen. and the back screen animation (or whatever the technical term is) is great.

    there’s a bit of an end of term feel to all these going up. but now i really MUST get some sleep…! (i shouldn’t have looked)

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