
April 10th, 2009


April 10th, 2009

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42 Responses to “April 10th, 2009”
  1. alliM says:


  2. Alex M. says:

    Holy moley, it must be my birthday! I’m like a giddy little school girl!

  3. gdeo says:

    cannot wait…if the daily pics weren’t enough….the vlogs are gonna be awesome!!!

  4. Scott says:

    Oh my shit. I can’t handle this

  5. Ian says:

    Seriously, man. I am so stupidly excited.

  6. pieface says:

    i actually gasped when i saw this photo and then realised what it was…!

    your voice completely reminds me of eating dolly mixtures and watching the hot fuzz video blogs to death.

    the on set stuff is so fascinating - and you’re going to get so fit! i wish i had something to inspire me like that. can’t wait for next weeks. thanks!

  7. Cordelia says:

    I am ridiculously excited.
    There are no words I can find to describe this intense emotion I am feeling.
    I’m going to go now and check it out…..

  8. Amber BG says:


    Thank you Thank you Edgar!!

    Vlogs! Indeed

  9. SarahAC says:

    I’m so excited about this.
    LOVE the first video blog Edgar.
    Can’t wait to see more!!

  10. Michelle says:

    When we think that you can’t possibly get any cooler and that we couldn’t be more excited for the film, you prove us dead wrong. Wow, man. Wow. This is amazing. I am so happy.

  11. pieface says:

    what i meant to ask was - is that a mexican wrestling t-shirt? or is that just a generic wrestling mask?

    searching for garfunkel & oates (?) (lucky you weren’t searching for anything dodgy!)

  12. Kathy from Sweden says:

    Oooh, this looks promising!
    And did i just spot Chris Evans? Ahh, my favorite director directing a favorite.
    Say that sentence five times fast!

  13. Red says:

    Wow! You are really too good to us Edgar.

  14. La Daniela says:

    I just experienced a major nerd-gasm. I am so highly anticipating this are too kind!

  15. Colin says:

    Edgar, you’re an inspiration to us all.

    Show them young ‘uns how it’s done!!

  16. Nadine says:

    I had been wondering about the beard - I had thought it’s presence was a lack-of-grooming-time-during-filming issue. I totally get where you are re the age issue. Not long till the big 35 (or so IMDB would indicate).
    It is great to see you looking so well.

    Thanks to everyone for your comments - I came here as an E.Wright fan, not as a Scott Pilgrim fan, so I am enjoying the learning process and gradually becoming a Scott P fan through your enthusiasm (and the quality of the material, obviously).

  17. Joel Vallie says:

    Edgar Wright is getting into shape. Keep it up man you inspire us all.

  18. OmegleLoverGuy says:

    It would be SO lovely if this was available as a podcast or in some downloadable form. But, beggars can’t be choosers.

  19. Jay says:

    Was that Wong who was smacking you around at the beginning of the video?

  20. AlWiltfong says:

    Edgar, I want to hug you right now. Can I hug you right now? Seriously, it’s been a long day, and I come home to this awesomeness!

  21. Fred says:

    Oh, Edgar. We love you so.

  22. Sarah5636 says:

    Im in vblog heaven :D thanks Ed

  23. Ryan Miyake says:

    Edgar’s not gonna fuck this up.

  24. Katie says:

    Edgar has the same hair style as my mum.

  25. pieface says:

    thats it, i’ve decided - i’ve thought for some time now that Tom Hollander would have to play you in the film of your life. apart from the pygmian handsomeness i have just read this sentence in an interview ‘[Tom] looks up at me from under his unusually long eyelashes..’
    (not sure what the film would be, but would inevitably be called the wright stuff. or just as a cameo playing ‘edgar’ in the worlds end)

  26. Jenn says:

    Bless You Edgar!!
    Nothing better than video footage with you in it!!!
    I can’t wait for this film, it looks as though its gonna be epic!
    Thank you!!!

  27. Alec says:

    I’m so excited for the daily vlogs

  28. Berto says:

    I think you just made every scott pilgrim fans the world over pee their pants a little from the excitement that this video does.

  29. Zadkiel says:

    Edgar should switch to Firefox…

  30. Rebecca Kay says:

    It all looks so exciting!
    And a tremendous amount of fun!


  31. Michelle in Arkansas says:

    Egdar, you still look way younger than your real age with or without the beard. I’d still guess your age to be around 27-28 at the top end. Besides, hanging with all those kids keeps you young. Speaking of age…Nick and Simon have families, so when can we expect an announcement from you??? Maybe 5-6 years down the road? You have plenty of time, besides, in the meantime you get to be Uncle Edgar!

  32. Teeta says:

    oumuhfuguh (ment to do that)

    I feel like that was one of the greatest videos of all the interwebz.

    Lots o love! I cant wait!

  33. gavs says:

    MAN, what a perfect match of source material and director. HOw didd we get so luckky!!?!?!?!?!

  34. Smalljump says:

    That’s a very cool El Santo T-Shirt you are wearing. It’s El Santo, right?

  35. Delgaduck says:

    Santo t shirt?! where did you get it? im mexican living in Mexico and i cant get those damn things!

    oh, and great vlog!


  36. Mary says:

    Thank you!!! This is so cool!!

  37. Crystal says:

    Those training sessions look like so much fun!!! I’m glad you’re getting in a good workout, old man ;)

  38. wendy says:

    Ok that was badass…I wanna play swords :( . LOL, your fans are very entertaining…half the fun of your blog/vlogs ect. is reading the comments. OK maybe not half but it’s pretty damn funny stuff.

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