March 26th, 2009


March 26th, 2009 (1)

March 26th, 2009 (2)

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7 Responses to “March 26th, 2009”
  1. pieface says:

    hehe!! you lot are very silly indeed!

    that is a million times better than my passport photo that i had to do on tues.
    sadly not allowed beanies for ‘proper’ passport pics!

    think twists phrase of ‘looking like a turd in a wig’ summed it up! (mine not yours…!)

  2. pieface says:

    i was just about to re-post on the other pic, thinking i’d been too quick….phew! (i know what i mean)

    cute chick!

  3. Mike says:

    That is a great selection of passport photos - Scott and Envy and Edgar.

  4. Amber BG says:

    Love it! This made my day

    Shirt is awesome!

  5. Sarah5636 says:

    Ed you make me laugh i like those photos :D

    Thats a very cool SP t-shirt. Thanks for the 2 photos today have an ace weekend :)

  6. SarahAC says:

    I think something dodgy is going on in that second picture! The other two seem to be reeeally enjoying it - but Edgar seems somewhat dubious ;-)

  7. Ell T says:

    Those photo booths are seriously under-utilized! Glad to see one getting some action.

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