

ファズ ~俺達スーパーポリスメン!~」、そして「スコット・ピルグリム vs 邪悪な元

開場:21:40 開映22:00(終映04:15予定)
場所:シネマライズ (東京・渋谷)

『ショーン・オブ・ザ・デッド』 (日本初公開!!!)
『ホット・ファズ 俺たちスーパーポリスメン!』
『スコット・ピルグリム VS. 邪悪な元カレ軍団』




Hello Japan! Edgar here.

My latest film, “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” will open on Friday, April 29th.
I’m excited for you to see this movie, as I hope it treats Japanese
pop culture with the utmost respect possible. Please enjoy it in a theater near you soon.

To my fantastic friends in Japan, I would like to offer you a special event. On Saturday
23rd, a marathon triple bill for all of my feature films (“Shaun of the
Dead”, “Hot Fuzz” and “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World”) will take place!

All Night Event with Edgar Wright FilmsApril 23rd(Sat)
Venue: Cinema Rise (Shibuya, Tokyo)
Venue Open: 21:40
22:00 “Shaun of the Dead (Japan Theater Premiere!)”
00:00 “Hot Fuzz”
2:20 “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World”

Ticket information:
Tickets will be available from 10:00am, Saturday April 16th in Tokyo Time!

This event will be feature a Japan theatrical premiere for “Shaun of the Dead”, my 2004 breakthrough which never saw a cinema release in Japan. So see it for the first time on the big screen. One more surprise, as a special gift to those who will join the event, I taped special video messages with my cohorts; Simon Pegg and Nick Frost for your amusement. Don’t miss it!

Edgar Wright

  • Shawn

    Had a great time at the triple-feature. Traveled about three hours by train to get there for it, but it was well worth it. It was a great audience too. I’ve seen quite a few films in Japan, but I’ve never been to a showing where the crowd got so into it. Everyone was having a great time.

    Best regards and warm wishes to you Edgar. If you keep makin’ ’em, we’ll keep watchin’ ’em!

  • Chiko

    I got a ticket—!!!!! I am SOOOO happy that I’ll be able to watch “Shaun Of The Dead” at theater at last!!!!

  • Chiko

    I got a ticket—!!!!! I am SOOOO happy that I’ll be able to watch “Shaun Of The Dead” at theater at last!!!!

  • http://nekodaisuki.myopenid.com/ Nek O’Daisuki

    How I would love to be able to attend this … or even some of the midnight showings in LA. I’ll have to see what I can do (about LA, not Shibuya, unfortunately…)

  • http://twitter.com/kansailocal 立花


  • http://profiles.google.com/bifcofr BIFCO BIFCO

    Waouh it came late in japan. I think ii will work better than france (by the universal didn’t do a good job poor distribution in the theater a shame!)

  • http://twitter.com/hajime_boin イマムラ☆ハヂメ

    (ノ´▽`)ノオオオオッ♪観に行く行く♪誰か一緒に観にいこうぜ!!一人でも行くけど(w 『Shaun of the Dead 』も劇場で観れるなんて、スゲェぜ!おい!!

  • Pingback: Scott Pilgrim vs The World - Opening in Japan » Might&Wonder()

  • Prowl

    Shaun of the Dead never had a theatrical release in Japan explains why some of my Japanese co-workers looked at my Shaun t-shirt with confusion

  • Prowl

    Shaun of the Dead never had a theatrical release in Japan explains why some of my Japanese co-workers looked at my Shaun t-shirt with confusion

  • GSV Ethics Gradient

    Can’t decide which is a more amusing Google translation - “Scott Pilgrim vs the evil ex-boyfriend Army” or “Scott Pilgrim vs ex-lover’s evil army,”

  • Joeri

    Need such an event in Holland 😀 Never Seen Shaun of the Dead in Cinemas :<