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  • Why is the word Gamify or Gamified never mention when describing the Scott Pilgrim movie? Michael Cera agreed himself on their NING group:) Future will be amazing.

  • Kyoyagami10

    I spent the whole day watching this. I can’t wait… But damn I have to until November. 🙁

  • Kyoyagami10

    I spent the whole day watching this. I can’t wait… But damn I have to until November. 🙁

  • Kyoyagami10

    I spent the whole day watching this. I can't wait… But damn I have to until November. 🙁

  • Tylerragan

    Okee dokee Edgar…for the lightswitch high up at the frat house wall question that you ask… I live on the other side of Canada, so my answer may not be correct in relation to this. But I'm looking at a lightswitch right now in my basement that's located higher up than any normal lightswitch, and it's actually a shut-off switch to my furnance. Why? I do not know. It's even a fairly new house built in the 90's. But I guess the obvious reason for the switch being up as high as it is, is so that no one starts flicking it on and off like a typical lightswitch while wondering “why the hell this lightswitch does nothing”.
    I'm not a frat boy, so that's why I didn't submit my answer via a postcard…. ; )

  • ChrisLeaver

    I just spent the last sixty minutes watching a movie trailer… and i enjoyed every second of it.

  • Llbcomiskey

    Great fun. Love it.

  • Red

    That was great! Now, not only do I want to see the movie, I can't wait for the DVD with extras.

  • I don’t want to watch any more clips because Iv seen to much already and I want to be surprised/blown away by pure epicness next week.

  • Sarah5636

    That was fun 😀

  • Ed Jackson

    This is brilliant!

  • DolfynGen

    This interactive trailer is made of AWESOME!
    I'm very excited about seeing the movie at a preview screening this Sunday! Woo hoo!

  • MontyPythonLove

    Why can't all trailers be this brilliant? Whoever thought this up deserves a yummy cookie.

  • Ellie

    Big fat Awesome-0

  • 47drift

    I just spent over an hour with this. Awesome stuff here!

  • Sexcellent, Edgar. You are a charmed man. Surrounding yourself by awesome.

  • iamnotdrtran


  • kimba2488

    Is the light switch for an attic light, maybe?

  • AmberGrindstaff

    Good Heavens this is AWESOME!!!!!! 😀

  • andrewhawkins

    Very fun and engaging way to build interest. I'm psyched. 2 more weeks!